Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fáilte Lughnasa - Celtic Festival of the Harvest

Welcome to August! Summer begins to wind down and the fruits of our gardening labors are ready for picking. In Ireland and the Celtic nations of old, this was a great festival time - the end of summer growing, the start of the harvest.

As with most Celtic festivals of old, there was a lot of celebrating going on. Lughnasa was a day to honor Lugh, a Tuatha De Dannan king who is often referred to as an ancient god of light. There is some wonderful information about the Irish and Scottish celebrations of Lughnasa - both ancient and modern - at the All Saints Parish website.

This is a wonderful time of year to enjoy the fruits of your labors and cherish the

warmth of summer. I'll spend Lughnasa baking some bread, making yummy tomatoe sandwiches, and visiting our local farmers markets.

With the harvest comes lots of work - putting up fruits and herbs into jams and jellies, drying herbs, making herb vinegars and tinctures, freezing fruits and veggies. After the dog days of July, August begins the flurry of activity that leads to the cool of Autumn.

So Happy Lughnasa everyone! Let the celebrations begin.

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