Sunday, October 5, 2008

Count Down to Herb Day - Preserve the Harvest

As we approach the end of the harvest season, that age old question comes to mind - now what do I do with all these herbs?

There are a number of methods to keep the taste of summer going all year long. Below are some quick suggestions to help you keep the flavor and fragrance of your herbs until you start harvesting next seasons crops.

The North Carolina State University website has some wonderful guidelines for harvesting your herbs at their peak.

Freezing: I use one of two methods for freezing herbs. One is to rinse them off, then roll them in paper towel to dry them off. Discard that paper towel and place a new one in a zip lock bag and freeze. Then when you need fresh herbs, break off a hunk and use! Another method is to coarsely chop the herbs. Place them into an ice cube tray and barely cover with water. Freeze and use when needed!

Drying: I have some wonderful friends. Last Christmas time they gave me a wonderful dehydrator. I use it for flowers, fruits, and herbs.

If you don't have a dehydrator, try drying them the old fashioned way. Take bunches of your favorite herb. Tie the ends together and hand in a cool, dry place with good air circulation. A closet or the attic are good places to do this. Drying in this manner works really well with lavender, chives, dill, sage and thyme.

If you are lucky enough to have a gas oven, you can also dry your herbs by laying them out on a layer of paper towels that have been placed on a cookie sheet. Let them sit on the lowest rack of the oven to dry.

Preserve in oils or vinegars: Infusing oils and vinegars with the fresh taste of summer herbs is easy and fun.

For more information about preserving herbs, check out this great article in the Herb Companion, and start saving all of your hard work!

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