Friday, October 10, 2008

Count Down to Herb Day - It's Here!

Herb Day is here! Saturday, October 11 is the 3rd annual Herb Day. Herbs are such an intricate part of our lives, it seems appropriate to take a day a celebrate these diverse, interesting and useful plants.

Most of us use dozens of herbs in our everyday lives without even thinking about it. A little basil in the spaghetti sauce, some thyme on a chicken dish, a little mint in your tea are simple things. We at Celtic Chairde use herbs in a myriad of ways - all of our products contain herbal infusions to enhance their purpose, use and fragrance. Many of these herbs grow in my backyard, so I've learned to use the simplest things in new and exciting ways.

You can celebrate Herb Day and enjoy these everyday treasures in new and exciting ways. Here are a few additional ideas to get you started.

1. Make an herb jelly! Mint jelly is probably the most popular, but you can make jelly from rosemary, lemon balm, garlic, geraniums, fennel, violets - any edible herb! The recipe for Rose Geranium jelly is great. If you don't have Rose Geraniums, use the herb of your choice and see what happens!

2. Collect your favorite herbs and use them as a bouquet in your house. Lemon Balm, Pineapple Sage, Mint, Calendula, Feverfew, Lavender, and Basil add fragrant and interesting accents to any corner.

3. Infuse herbs into sugars and vinegars. Any herb you have in abundance can be infused into a vinegar or sugar that will open up exciting new options in cooking. We've told you the secret to sweet success with Herbal Sugars. For herbal vinegars, look here.

4. Learn about a new herb. If you aren't sure what Calendula is, or if you didn't know that oregano can also be used as an antiseptic, try doing a little research and learn something new! The International Herb Association has some wonderful books about past Herbs of the Year. Or just check you local library, book store, agricultural service or garden center!

5. Have a nice cup of tea! What better way to enjoy a crisp autumn day than with an aromatic, enticing, warm herbal tea. It's easy to create your own, or enjoy one of our favorites - Ducky Life teas.

Happy Herb Day everyone!

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