Monday, March 18, 2013

You've got Fruit on Your Face

Fresh fruit is fabulous. It's one of the reasons I can't wait for spring and summer. Strawberries, peaches, apples, cherries, watermelon, bananas - I'm starting to drool a little. Most of these fruits are available year round now, but local and fresh if at all possible, is the best.

Not only is fruit yummy and good for your insides, many fruits are good for your skin on the outside as well. Here of some of my favorite face fruits.

Whenever I'm cutting these up, I don't wash the juice off my hands - I just rub it on my face. Instant facial! Not only do they make your face feel fabulous, you smell fantastic too.

- We don't grow pineapples here in NJ, but I still love them and will pick them up occasionally from the market. Pineapples contain bromelain and alpha-hydroxy acid. These help reduce wrinkles and remove dead skin cells, helping to give skin a smoother and gentle glow. They are also high in Vitamin C and A which are anti-oxidant free radical fighters. I like to just rub the juice on my face, let it dry a bit, and then rinse with cool water. Makes my skin feel all tingly and just a little tighter. And I love the way it smells!

Great face fruits.

Strawberry - Strawberries can help reduce acne and oily skin, reduce puffiness under your eyes, and remove dead skin cells. They also contain alpha-hydroxy acid and Vitamin C. They also contain ellagic acid, which help protect the skin from UV rays.  Use in the same way as pineapple, or just cut a berry in half and rub it on your face. Just divine. But do be cautious if you have allergies.

Banana - Banana's have lots of Vitamin C and soothing properties for worn skin. They reduce skin inflammation. Mash up a nicely ripe banana and put into your face. Let sit a bit and then wipe off gently and rinse. Sometimes I'll just rub the inside of the banana peel on spots on my arms or skin that are really dry. I'll also use it to rub on my teeth to help clean and whiten them. 

Watermelon - Have you ever gotten cool, refreshing watermelon all over your face when you're eating it on a hot summer day? Then you rinse it off and your face feels wonderful! That's because watermelon is another antioxidant moisturizer that is a fruity fabulous face treatment. It contains Vitamins C, A and B6. It will help tighten up your pores and refresh your skin.

Next time you're looking for a quick skin pick me up, just look to your fridge and get some fruit on your face.

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