Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Skeeters and Sunburn and Gnats - Oh Ick!

Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it. ~ Russel Baker

I'm probably like many of you. I anxiously await the arrival of summer. It's an outdoor season to enjoy the sunlight, dig in the garden, play at the beach, barbeque and all those lovely outdoor fairs, festivals, and outdoor activities. In winter, summer is such a lovely vision on our mind. In reality - well, it's still lovely but it's sweatier and buggier and so much more fickle. Our visions forget things like 90+ degrees with humidity and attack mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are one of the worst annoyances of summer. They carry disease and the bites itch like all get out.

There are a few things you can do to help alleviate the mosquito mayhem:

  • Make sure you've clear out all the standing water in your yard. Puddles, birdbaths, pots, watering cans, garden decor, rain barrels, around the sprinkler or faucet area - go on a treasure hunt to find those wet spots. If the water stands idle for more than a day or two, it can become home to a whole herd of mosquitoes. And it doesn't take much either. Just a few tablespoons worth of water sitting for more than 3 or 4 days makes a perfect nursery for mosquito larvae.
  • Pick the best time to go outside. Mosquitoes seem to love the twilight (as do many people).
  • Insect repellents with DEET work the best when your going to be exposed for an extended period of time. Our Dó Gréine Spray also works well for mosquitoes. It contains some Neem which really chases those little buggers away.
  • Citronella candles are tricky. Mosquitoes stay away from the scent of citronella, but they are attracted to heat, movement and carbon dioxide. But essential oils like citronella, lemon eucalyptus and geranium work well, too.

The worst is when you get a mosquito bite on top of a sunburn. Super OW! Our Dó Gréine Spray is designed to help alleviate the pain of sunburn and to start the healing. It will also help stop the itchiness of the bite thanks to a base of skin loving apple cider vinegar. Although it does work fairly well for keeping mosquitoes away, it's not quite as good at keeping away gnats.

Gnats, No-see-ums, vinegar flies, midgies - these are just some of those pesky little flying things that are sooo annoying and frustrating in the summer. Some bite, some don't, almost all swarm and make you crazy. Although I love our Dó Gréine Spray for so many things, it's not always a good repellent for certain gnats because they are attracted to vinegar.

These minute mayhem monsters are attracted to rotting places - compost, old rotting fruits and vegetables, over watered pots, etc. So while you're hunting around for wet spots for mosquitoes, check the rotty places for gnat type bug breeding grounds. Let these areas dry out well. I'm not a big proponent of pesticides. Instead, try sprinkling a little Neem oil in the area.

With a little common sense and some search and destroy missions, you should be able to like your summer more, and suffer a little less.

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