Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Hug and some Hot Tea

Cindy and I are busy planning out the events will be attending this year. In the meantime,I thought I'd share some other key events we should all take part in.

January and February are certainly some bone chilling months. Icy winds and snow bring us all inside for warmth and company. Why not share a pot of nice hot tea? After all, January is National Hot Tea Month. Whether your preference is green, black, Earl, herbal, or fruity, tea provides soothing warmth and friendship. Tea is also healthy and healing.

For me, tea has always been an i-have-a-cold drink, at least until recently. I'm trying to cut back on my soda habit and I've found tea - both hot and cold - to be a tasty and soothing alternative. Our favorite teas are from Ducky Life Tea. A local company, these teas are beautifully crafted to be full of flavor.

Tea is a part of life all over the world. Part of our own history in the US was created over the unfair taxation of this vital drink. There is a wonderful documentary, The Meaning of Tea, that explores the romance, mystery and meaning of this international beverage. You can also find more about reading tea leaves, tea tours and benefits at the Tea Association of the US. And the American Botanical Council has wonderful health information about tea. So grab yourself a cup of your favorite (I'm drinking Ducky Life's Kathi's White Tip with Peach Tea right now - yum!) and celebrate the drink of the planet and the drink of the month - Hot Tea.

And if tea makes you feel so good you just can't contain yourself - on Wednesday, January 21st, you can celebrate National Hugging Day TM. ! Of course, you should always ask first, but hugs are another essential of life.

But don't hug while your drinking the tea, that could be rather messy! Happy Hot Tea Month and National Hug Day!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

And friends is what we are. At fairs we also sell creations from our other friends, (some jewelry, musical CD by Croi na mBan, the book The Irish in New Jersey by Dermott Quinn). So more than one friend is friends. We did verify the spelling and usage with one of the teachers at Daltaí na Gaeilge before we began. And no, I'm not an Irish Speaker - just a student.