Saturday, November 22, 2008

Marsh Mallow ... not Marshmallow

Tonight I was making Honey Pumpkin Face Mask. The last of my pumpkins had been roasted up and we were running low. I gathered up the materials I needed - honey, green tea, milk powder, some other herbs and my powdered marsh mallow root. It made me think of summer on this cold autumn evening for a few reasons.

First, I have a lovely stand of marsh mallow plants that spring up every year. It's one of those tall, stately plants that adds a lovely touch to the back of a garden, but you have to be careful not to let it run wild!

Second, it made me think of s'mores and the other marshmallow.

Marsh Mallows are beautiful, with many healthful and beneficial properties. It has wonderful

healing properties, which are even mention in Homers Illiad. It is emollient, demulcent, and soothing to sore throats and irritations. This soothing quality is the reason it is a part of our
Honey Pumpkin Face Mask.

When the dried root is soaking, it creates a gel which helps coat inflamed areas and relieve the pain and reduce redness. And the gel was used to make the original Marshmallows.

I've often thought of making marshmallows the old fashioned way, and I may yet. In the meantime, I'll just rest here with my face mask on, dreaming of summer. And maybe I'll make some s'mores.

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